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Line .C is a passionate French painter who has exhibited her work in France and China. Influenced by the use of Pollock Oil, she focuses on the composition of works exploring masks and faces, exploring the ambiguity and androgyny of human expressions. She seeks to create a purely graphic language through her semi-abstract and figurative paintings. Its general aesthetic appears from another world, with chromatic coherence and rich decoration.

Venue d’Extrême-Orient, puis imitée en Europe sous le nom de vernis Martin, la laque est une matière incomparable par sa brillance et sa transparence ! Lisse comme une mer étale, elle donne tant d’éclat et de profondeur aux couleurs ! Cette technique délicate, Line.C l’a apprise aux côtés d’Isabelle Emmerique. Elle la pratique avec passion, exigence et sensibilité.


Peintre et graphiste dans l’âme, Line.C a su trouver une écriture toute personnelle pour sublimer la matière, rehaussée de feuilles d’or et de poudre de bronze. Elle s’en remet autant aux couleurs qu’à l’expressivité du trait. Sur les panneaux de bois préparés et poncés avec le plus grand soin, Line.C commence par réaliser le fond en attendant de se laisser gagner par une émotion qu’elle traduira par un visage : ovale très pur, modelé délicat, lèvres sensuelles, regard intense ou expression rêveuse. Visage paré d’un extraordinaire lacis de traits ! Les uns s’entrecroisent à la façon d’un réseau, d’un mécanisme d’horlogerie, d’une architecture, les autres dessinent une fine dentelle. A chaque visage, son écriture, sa personnalité, son intériorité.

À l’occasion de sa résidence d’artiste en Chine, à Longzhou, Line.C a découvert non seulement les beaux visages des musiciens Zhuang mais aussi la calligraphie.

Ainsi a-t-elle pu mesurer l’importance du souffle, de l’élan du corps et du geste, dans l’exécution du trait.

Cela se ressent dans ses dernières laques, telle  « Horlogerie interne ». Les arabesques tracées au pinceau sont toutes de mouvement et de légèreté !

Lisses et brillantes et translucides, les laques de Line.C sollicitent la caresse du regard.


Ce qui est étonnant dans des œuvres tel « Engrenage » (voir le ci-contre), c’est l’effet de volume, la profondeur donnée par le jeu des ombres et des lumières dans les alvéoles de couleurs. Sur le fond noir ou blanc, Line.C utilise toute la gamme des rouges et des orangés, des bruns, mais aussi des couleurs plus inattendues tel le bleu turquoise magnifié par l’or japonais, propice à toutes les « rêveries chromatiques ». À force de recherches et d’expérimentations avec Thibauld Mazire, Line.C est parvenue, grâce au vernis hydrosoluble, à garder les couleurs d’origine des pigments et surtout à conserver la pureté des blancs.

Il faut prendre tout le temps de contempler ses laques, mais aussi huiles sur toile,

de s’aventurer au cœur de la couleur, dans l’enchevêtrement ou le jaillissement des traits. Une belle invitation au voyage, à destination des contrées de l’imaginaire.


Line .C is a passionate French painter who has exhibited her work in France and China. Influenced by the use of Pollock Oil, she focuses on the composition of works exploring masks and faces, exploring the ambiguity and androgyny of human expressions. She seeks to create a purely graphic language through her semi-abstract and figurative paintings. Its general aesthetic appears from another world, with chromatic coherence and rich decoration.


Line .C is a passionate French painter who has exhibited her work in France and China. Influenced by the use of Pollock Oil, she focuses on the composition of works exploring masks and faces, exploring the ambiguity and androgyny of human expressions. She seeks to create a purely graphic language through her semi-abstract and figurative paintings. Its general aesthetic appears from another world, with chromatic coherence and rich decoration.

Portfolio laque sur bois


Line .C is a passionate French painter who has exhibited her work in France and China. Influenced by the use of Pollock Oil, she focuses on the composition of works exploring masks and faces, exploring the ambiguity and androgyny of human expressions. She seeks to create a purely graphic language through her semi-abstract and figurative paintings. Its general aesthetic appears from another world, with chromatic coherence and rich decoration.


Line .C is a passionate French painter who has exhibited her work in France and China. Influenced by the use of Pollock Oil, she focuses on the composition of works exploring masks and faces, exploring the ambiguity and androgyny of human expressions. She seeks to create a purely graphic language through her semi-abstract and figurative paintings. Its general aesthetic appears from another world, with chromatic coherence and rich decoration.


Line .C is a passionate French painter who has exhibited her work in France and China. Influenced by the use of Pollock Oil, she focuses on the composition of works exploring masks and faces, exploring the ambiguity and androgyny of human expressions. She seeks to create a purely graphic language through her semi-abstract and figurative paintings. Its general aesthetic appears from another world, with chromatic coherence and rich decoration.


Line .C is a passionate French painter who has exhibited her work in France and China. Influenced by the use of Pollock Oil, she focuses on the composition of works exploring masks and faces, exploring the ambiguity and androgyny of human expressions. She seeks to create a purely graphic language through her semi-abstract and figurative paintings. Its general aesthetic appears from another world, with chromatic coherence and rich decoration.


Line .C is a passionate French painter who has exhibited her work in France and China. Influenced by the use of Pollock Oil, she focuses on the composition of works exploring masks and faces, exploring the ambiguity and androgyny of human expressions. She seeks to create a purely graphic language through her semi-abstract and figurative paintings. Its general aesthetic appears from another world, with chromatic coherence and rich decoration.


Line .C is a passionate French painter who has exhibited her work in France and China. Influenced by the use of Pollock Oil, she focuses on the composition of works exploring masks and faces, exploring the ambiguity and androgyny of human expressions. She seeks to create a purely graphic language through her semi-abstract and figurative paintings. Its general aesthetic appears from another world, with chromatic coherence and rich decoration.


Line .C is a passionate French painter who has exhibited her work in France and China. Influenced by the use of Pollock Oil, she focuses on the composition of works exploring masks and faces, exploring the ambiguity and androgyny of human expressions. She seeks to create a purely graphic language through her semi-abstract and figurative paintings. Its general aesthetic appears from another world, with chromatic coherence and rich decoration.


Line .C is a passionate French painter who has exhibited her work in France and China. Influenced by the use of Pollock Oil, she focuses on the composition of works exploring masks and faces, exploring the ambiguity and androgyny of human expressions. She seeks to create a purely graphic language through her semi-abstract and figurative paintings. Its general aesthetic appears from another world, with chromatic coherence and rich decoration.


Line .C is a passionate French painter who has exhibited her work in France and China. Influenced by the use of Pollock Oil, she focuses on the composition of works exploring masks and faces, exploring the ambiguity and androgyny of human expressions. She seeks to create a purely graphic language through her semi-abstract and figurative paintings. Its general aesthetic appears from another world, with chromatic coherence and rich decoration.


Line .C is a passionate French painter who has exhibited her work in France and China. Influenced by the use of Pollock Oil, she focuses on the composition of works exploring masks and faces, exploring the ambiguity and androgyny of human expressions. She seeks to create a purely graphic language through her semi-abstract and figurative paintings. Its general aesthetic appears from another world, with chromatic coherence and rich decoration.


Line .C is a passionate French painter who has exhibited her work in France and China. Influenced by the use of Pollock Oil, she focuses on the composition of works exploring masks and faces, exploring the ambiguity and androgyny of human expressions. She seeks to create a purely graphic language through her semi-abstract and figurative paintings. Its general aesthetic appears from another world, with chromatic coherence and rich decoration.


Line .C is a passionate French painter who has exhibited her work in France and China. Influenced by the use of Pollock Oil, she focuses on the composition of works exploring masks and faces, exploring the ambiguity and androgyny of human expressions. She seeks to create a purely graphic language through her semi-abstract and figurative paintings. Its general aesthetic appears from another world, with chromatic coherence and rich decoration.


Line .C is a passionate French painter who has exhibited her work in France and China. Influenced by the use of Pollock Oil, she focuses on the composition of works exploring masks and faces, exploring the ambiguity and androgyny of human expressions. She seeks to create a purely graphic language through her semi-abstract and figurative paintings. Its general aesthetic appears from another world, with chromatic coherence and rich decoration.


Line .C is a passionate French painter who has exhibited her work in France and China. Influenced by the use of Pollock Oil, she focuses on the composition of works exploring masks and faces, exploring the ambiguity and androgyny of human expressions. She seeks to create a purely graphic language through her semi-abstract and figurative paintings. Its general aesthetic appears from another world, with chromatic coherence and rich decoration.


Line .C is a passionate French painter who has exhibited her work in France and China. Influenced by the use of Pollock Oil, she focuses on the composition of works exploring masks and faces, exploring the ambiguity and androgyny of human expressions. She seeks to create a purely graphic language through her semi-abstract and figurative paintings. Its general aesthetic appears from another world, with chromatic coherence and rich decoration.

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Line .C is a passionate French painter who has exhibited her work in France and China. Influenced by the use of Pollock Oil, she focuses on the composition of works exploring masks and faces, exploring the ambiguity and androgyny of human expressions. She seeks to create a purely graphic language through her semi-abstract and figurative paintings. Its general aesthetic appears from another world, with chromatic coherence and rich decoration.


Line .C is a passionate French painter who has exhibited her work in France and China. Influenced by the use of Pollock Oil, she focuses on the composition of works exploring masks and faces, exploring the ambiguity and androgyny of human expressions. She seeks to create a purely graphic language through her semi-abstract and figurative paintings. Its general aesthetic appears from another world, with chromatic coherence and rich decoration.

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Line .C is a passionate French painter who has exhibited her work in France and China. Influenced by the use of Pollock Oil, she focuses on the composition of works exploring masks and faces, exploring the ambiguity and androgyny of human expressions. She seeks to create a purely graphic language through her semi-abstract and figurative paintings. Its general aesthetic appears from another world, with chromatic coherence and rich decoration.

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Line .C is a passionate French painter who has exhibited her work in France and China. Influenced by the use of Pollock Oil, she focuses on the composition of works exploring masks and faces, exploring the ambiguity and androgyny of human expressions. She seeks to create a purely graphic language through her semi-abstract and figurative paintings. Its general aesthetic appears from another world, with chromatic coherence and rich decoration.


Line .C is a passionate French painter who has exhibited her work in France and China. Influenced by the use of Pollock Oil, she focuses on the composition of works exploring masks and faces, exploring the ambiguity and androgyny of human expressions. She seeks to create a purely graphic language through her semi-abstract and figurative paintings. Its general aesthetic appears from another world, with chromatic coherence and rich decoration.

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L'horlogerie interne_WEB.jpg
L'horlogerie interne_WEB.jpg
L'horlogerie interne_WEB.jpg

Line .C is a passionate French painter who has exhibited her work in France and China. Influenced by the use of Pollock Oil, she focuses on the composition of works exploring masks and faces, exploring the ambiguity and androgyny of human expressions. She seeks to create a purely graphic language through her semi-abstract and figurative paintings. Its general aesthetic appears from another world, with chromatic coherence and rich decoration.


Line .C is a passionate French painter who has exhibited her work in France and China. Influenced by the use of Pollock Oil, she focuses on the composition of works exploring masks and faces, exploring the ambiguity and androgyny of human expressions. She seeks to create a purely graphic language through her semi-abstract and figurative paintings. Its general aesthetic appears from another world, with chromatic coherence and rich decoration.


Line .C is a passionate French painter who has exhibited her work in France and China. Influenced by the use of Pollock Oil, she focuses on the composition of works exploring masks and faces, exploring the ambiguity and androgyny of human expressions. She seeks to create a purely graphic language through her semi-abstract and figurative paintings. Its general aesthetic appears from another world, with chromatic coherence and rich decoration.


Line .C is a passionate French painter who has exhibited her work in France and China. Influenced by the use of Pollock Oil, she focuses on the composition of works exploring masks and faces, exploring the ambiguity and androgyny of human expressions. She seeks to create a purely graphic language through her semi-abstract and figurative paintings. Its general aesthetic appears from another world, with chromatic coherence and rich decoration.

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